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Thu - 10 Sep 2020

Micro-influencers vs Macro-influencers: Rethinking your influencer strategy

The success of utilizing influencers to increase social media metrics such as engagement, reach, impressions, and pageviews is no secret. The only relevant question is – should you employ micro- or macro- influencers to promote your business?


Before we get to analysing which type of influencers would work best for your business, let’s explain the difference between micro- and macro- influencers. Micro-influencers are regular people with no more than 30 000 followers, with a deep passion for a certain subject (such as fashion, photography, or travelling). 

Macro-influencers are usually celebrities or high-profile bloggers with thousands, or even millions of followers, so brands have to contact them and propose very generous offers. Although macro-influencers expose your brand to millions of people from all over the world and provide great visibility and awareness, there are many reasons why you should choose to collaborate with micro-influencers instead.

1. Micro-influencers Have A Friendly And Special Connection With Their Audience 

Let’s say that your business is a relatively new designer brand from France and that you still cannot ship your products overseas. Working with macro-influencers will put your brand out there, you will reach many people all over the world and probably get lots of new followers. But was that generous offer worth it? Not really. From all the people you’ve reached, maybe 10% of them would be from the countries you can ship your products to, and maybe 3% of them would be genuinely interested in your brand. 

Therefore, if you’re not a huge international company with offices in 120 countries, you should not blow your entire budget on collaboration with macro-bloggers. Focus on micro-bloggers who have a smaller, but specific audience, and you’d be able to easily reach the people you need for your brand. 

AI Riders On The Storm is one of a few brands that collaborated with @jackthorpes. Jack shares his stunning and authentic photos of his journey, and his nicely curated feed will assure you that you can trust him when it comes to choosing the trendy street style outfits of the season.

2. Micro-influencers Are Authentic

Because micro influencers are real people with a deep passion for a specific and niche topic, they will create content that is relatable. Their review of your product would be genuine and authentic, and people would appreciate the honest referral.

3. They Won’t Cost You A Fortune

You don’t need to spend your entire budget to hire a micro-influencer. On average, micro-influencers cost around $180 per post on Instagram. Other influencers might love your product so much, and they are willing to post about it in exchange for getting the product for free, no additional costs included. 

Two sisters from London, Olivia and Alice, are killing it! They are so trendy, they visit fashion weeks and they are very committed to making their brand successful. Brands such as River Island and TOPSHOP love working with them! 

4. Micro-influencers Drive Higher Engagement 

We’ll let the numbers speak about this one. According to HelloSociety, 60 percent higher campaign engagement rates are driven by micro-influencers. Those campaigns are 6.7 times more efficient per engagement than macro-influencers, which makes them also more cost-effective. Also, micro-influencers drive 22.2 times more weekly conversations than the average consumer. 

5. They Are Easier To Connect With And The Execution Of Campaign Is Simple

You can easily connect with micro-influencers via influencer marketing platforms such as Tribe Group, that has a huge influencer database. Communication and making last-minute changes are easier with micro-influencers because you would be in a direct contact with the person responsible for the content curation. 


In the digital age, being authentic and reaching the relevant audience is paramount, and you’ll be able to achieve that with a bit of help from micro-influencers!